
Male lions – 2008

These two lions were found mating early in the morning. They will spend approximately the next 5 days together mating as lions tend to do.
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Mating lions

Early morning lion sighting.
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Leopard spotted by Johannes

Whilst looking for Wild Dog our awesome tracker Johannes spotted this magnificent Leopard…
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It was awesome to eventually spot one of the most infamous animals in Africa…
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Lilac breasted roller bird

The reserve is teaming with bird life and the lilac breasted roller bird has to be one of the most colourful and beautiful species….
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A lesser spotted owl

Possibly one of the smallest owls I’ve ever seen.
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Lion feeding on wildebeast

It was an amazing sight to see, two male lions had killed a wildebeast just moment before we arrived…
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Lions feeding on a waterbuck

Dipello female with her two cubs feeding on a waterbuck.
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White Eland

Eland visiting the waterhole this morning.
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Quick glimpse of a young leopard just before it decided to disappear into the bush.
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It was awesome to hear over the radio that Pieter had found a Pangolin but even more wonderful to see Sam and Johannes reaction to the news – it had been almost a year since one had been spotted…
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What an amazing experience to have sight of the elusive Cheetah.
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