
More Birds

More species to my list.
Continue reading “More Birds”

Lazy Lion cub

How lazy can you get???
Continue reading “Lazy Lion cub”


Sorry, I should have taken notes then I might have known what they are called!

Continue reading “Zazoo!”

Lilac Breasted Roller

Hope this works. I need to find out what the birds and animals are all called that I photographed, any suggestions for websites?

Continue reading “Lilac Breasted Roller”

Black Stork

Resting in the water
Continue reading “Black Stork”

Little Rhino

An excited little rhino calf
Continue reading “Little Rhino”

Spring blossoms

Taking full advantage

Continue reading “Spring blossoms”

Game drive Routine

What happend during this game drive?
Continue reading “Game drive Routine”

A Great Game Drive

Wonderfull Pics!!!
Continue reading “A Great Game Drive”

Little Madikwe

Huge fun at Little Madikwe
Continue reading “Little Madikwe”

Male lion

One of the two dominant males on the area.
Continue reading “Male lion”

Young male lion

Young male lion after breakfast.

Continue reading “Young male lion”