
Red Crested korhaan

Red Crested Korhaan
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A Reflection on Lions

Photo’s at dawn with brialliant reflection.
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Monitor lizard

Look at this rare find!!!
Continue reading “Monitor lizard”

Female lion

Lioness feeding on a zebra carcass.
Continue reading “Female lion”

Red hartebeest

Red Hartebeest
Continue reading “Red hartebeest”

Wild dogs

Wild dogs resting
Continue reading “Wild dogs”

Baby Ellies

Baby elephants playing
Continue reading “Baby Ellies”

Lions on honeymoon

Lion couple on ?honeymoon?.
Continue reading “Lions on honeymoon”

Lions feeding on a wilderbeest

Lions feeding on a wildebeest carcass.
Continue reading “Lions feeding on a wilderbeest”


Madikwe sunset.
Continue reading “Sunset”

Bull Elephant

This very relaxed elephant bull crossed the road right in front of us.
Continue reading “Bull Elephant”


Our lucky little Spotted hyena!!!
Continue reading “Spotty”