
Wild dogs update

This is an update for you guys, to see just how big the pups have grown too.
Continue reading “Wild dogs update”

This is part of thisweek?s photos and a special story.

It was a good week for lions.
Continue reading “This is part of thisweek?s photos and a special story.”

My apologies for being a bit scares lately

Hey All MadikweHills Blog family, sorry that there wasn?t a weekly update blog for the last couple of weeks. I sincerely apologize for that, like we all know, I also need to go on leave. But now I am back and let us have a great chat and look at this week?s photos.
Continue reading “My apologies for being a bit scares lately”

Some More photos

<%LightBox2(1549/|Image Title|Photo Group 1)%>These are some more of our photos taken at Madikwe in Jan 2012. A wonderful experience that we will be repeating soon.