
Hi Madikwe hills blog family. “leopard sighting”

Last night, the 27th of September 2013. We had a unbelievable Leopard sighting, I would like to just share some of the photos I manage to get.

This was a young male.

Hope you enjoyed it, wished you were here to share this moment with us at Madikwe hills

A kind bush regards
Dwayne de Lange
Head ranger

Rhino awareness day ” Black rhino”

Morning, like we all know it is Rhino awareness day today.

We were so fortunate to see this big Black rhino bull this morning. He made it quite a special day for us. This Rhino awareness day will be in our memories forever.

Thanks to Werner Fitton for the Photo.

Dwayne de Lange
Head ranger

The new Wild dog pups.

Greg had a blog a couple of weeks ago, so here is a update.

Like you all know the big and the small pack of dogs have pups. We at Hills only had the opportunity to see the big packs pups so far. We all are hoping to see the small packs’ pups soon.

I have a couple of photos I like to share with you all.

As you can see on the last photo there are only 6 pups we had 8. One morning about a week or so ago, the local lion prides tracks were seen going to the direction of the wild dog den. The guys relocated the lions; there were two females and 8-cubs/sub-adults.
We were lucky to only lose 2 pups and not all of them. We will keep you up to date, on what’s happening with the wild dog pups.

A Bush goodbye for now…
Dwayne de Lange
Head Ranger

It is time to think. What is it?

Hi, hope all is well.

It has been a while since we last had a chat.

I think we need to start it off with a little trick question. Jip! Let’s get the brain into thinking mode. The way it will work is, I’ll show you a photo of something, give you three options and without looking at the last photo you must guess what it is. Let’s see how sharp your bush eyes are. Don’t worry if you don’t get it, maybe it just means that you need to come and visit us at the Lodge again. It would feel just like a family reunion.
Ok so here it goes…

So we can see it is a foot.
I am going to give you three options

Ok so now let’s think is it 1… maybe 3 or could it be 2. Hold on now I need to have a look again “just pulling your leg” of course…I know the answer I think so…? Well let’s have a look at the answer.
Hope you haven’t cheated!!

Don’t peek now!!

Of course it’s a Cheetah!
Why do I say so?
Ok let’s have a look closely. If you have a look at the back pad you will see that cats have three lobes and dogs only have two. Cheetahs are the only cat, as an adult that cannot retract their claws. This helps them keep traction when running. And one less thing they need to concentrate on at that high speed.

A Bush goodbye for now…
Dwayne de Lange
Head Ranger