
Where is the leopard?

Ok, Ok, I will show you where the leopard is for #1 and #2. Lets see if you were right……
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Spot the leopard #2!!!

Try to spot this leopard on the picture…
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Spot the leopard #1!!!

See if you could spot the leopard in this picture?
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Two male Lions on two Wildebeest kills.

Yes ladies and gents, two Wildebeest. The two Naledi brothers brought down two Wildebeest very close together. It is thought that the Wildebeest bulls were fighting when the Lions came across them and saw the oppertunity to take both down.

Here are some pictures of them feeding on one of the kills.
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Not always getting your way…

Video of a lion chasing a wildebeest…
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Lion Sociality

If you ever had any doubts whether lions are truly social, just watch this…
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Lion vs Rhino

Watch the video and see what happens when they meet….
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Another spectacular visit to Madikwe Hills…

Our 10th visit to Madikwe (from the USA) was as special as the first. Great game viewing, great people, and a wedding to be remembered…
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Wild dog kill on video.

Astonishing footage!!!Not for sensitive viewers!!!
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Wild Dogs vs Brown Hyena

Unique footage showing wild dogs defending their kill against a hungry Brown Hyena.
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What a start to 2010!!!

We have had a great two weeks of game viewing! Here are some pictures for you.
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Festive Season

See what has been happening at Madikwe over the festive season…
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