
Lions and then some!!!!

We have had great Lion sightings on a day to day basis. The prides are strong and the cubs are getting alot of food. The two males are still strong and defending there pride from other males that may want to take over in the future.
We have also had good sightings of Elephants, Rhinos and even two Leopards this week. The bush is getting more open by the day and sightings just better!
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Good news and Great pics

We have good news here in Madikwe. The alfa female of the new Break-away pack of wild dogs is pregnant. Now just to see where they will den. I got a nice picture of her and some other friends of the bush.
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This weeks sightings

Some of the best pictures!!!
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A few of this weeks sightings

We’ve been lucky with a few very good lion sightings this past week. The wild dogs and even the lone cheetah male made a couple of appearances. Elephant are again spotted daily at the camp’s waterhole due to the winter at hand and the declining amount of water in the bush.
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A selection of pictures

A selection of sightings that made a impact in the last 10 days.
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Elephants at the spa!!!

Elephants enjoying a day at the bush spa.
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Full moon

Full moon in the bush.

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Collection of fotos from the past week.

We have had a good week. Some Elephants came to our water hole, found the small pack of Wild Dogs and had some great bird sightings!
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Recent Game drive pics

Some animals that you dont always pay attention to.
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Pictures from Paradise!!!

Recent pictures from Madikwe!
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Some extraordinary sightings on our second visit. (3 nights)

Not everyday you see a lion killing a zebra (well done Werner), a mozambique spitting cobra (bravo Jaco) or a pangolin (go Sam!). Vic, you have to look out!
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Our first visit…

Our first visit to Madikwe Hills was really a treat. We enjoyed the lodge, our private swimming pool overlooking a waterhole where elephants frequently came to quench their thirst, the food (especially the deep fried chocolate!) and the friendly staff. The game drives were an experience out of the ordinary and we appreciated every sighting that we came across. There is nowhere else where you will find such beautiful sunsets and variety of animals and birds. The team at Madikwe Hills made our stay so special and we will always have fond memories of the couple of days that we spend at Madikwe Hills…
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