

We had a excellent day with the birds. Here are just a few pictures we got. One is of a Lilac breasted roller and the other a Three streaked tchagra. Enjoy!!!
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Madikwe Giraffe
Continue reading “Giraffe”

Swainson?s Francolin

Good morning Madikwe…
Continue reading “Swainson?s Francolin”

Large Spotted Genet

The rarely seen Large Spotted Genet.
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Lion sighting

Ditaba, one of the two dominant males in the area…
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Our national antilope.
Continue reading “Springbuck”

Wild dogs

Wild dogs drinking at Tlou dam.
Continue reading “Wild dogs”

White Rhino – 2008

White Rhino drinking.
Continue reading “White Rhino – 2008”

Great escort home

Frans in great company
Continue reading “Great escort home”

Lion family

Lioness with cubs
Continue reading “Lion family”

Secretary Bird

The rarely seen Secretary Bird
Continue reading “Secretary Bird”

Spot the difference

One afternoon we followed a pride of 7 lions along the northern border of the reserve. These 2 females caught my attention…
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