
Back Home!!!

I am back home for a few days now and already got some brilliant bird photo’s

I am back in Madikwe after a nice long holiday and here to welcome me was a mighty array of all my animal friends. The last week or so the birding in the reserve has been absolutely astonishing. I got some very nice pictures indeed and I cannot wait to see what the summer might bring.
We had our first rains here in Madikwe and the excitement is apparent all over. With summer fast appoaching it also means that it is almost time for the migrant bird species to return. I can’t wait for their arrival here. My camera will be ready…

<%lightbox2(37/2009/oktober/1.jpg|pied kingfisher|photo group 1)%> <%lightbox2(37/2009/oktober/1__1_.jpg|kori bustard|photo group 1)%> <%lightbox2(37/2009/oktober/1__2_.jpg|white-browed sparrow weaver|photo group 1)%>

<%lightbox2(37/2009/oktober/1__3_.jpg|tawny eagle|photo group 1)%> <%lightbox2(37/2009/oktober/1__4_.jpg|crested barbet|photo group 1)%> <%lightbox2(37/2009/oktober/1__5_.jpg|namaqua dove|photo group 1)%>

<%lightbox2(37/2009/oktober/1__6_.jpg|african spoonbill|photo group 1)%> <%lightbox2(37/2009/oktober/1__7_.jpg|double banded sand grouse|photo group 1)%> <%lightbox2(37/2009/oktober/1__8_.jpg|white backed vulture|photo group 1)%>

<%lightbox2(37/2009/oktober/1__9_.jpg|african fish eagle|photo group 1)%>

I am pretty proud about the images above here, but I have to say that I am even more proud of something else. I have been privileged enough this year to travel Africa a bit and I got to see some amazing and very famous places. Places like Masai Mara, Serengeti, Savuti, Chobe, Okavango Delta and many more. These names are all synonymous with Africa and are places that are legendary in the minds of almost every one. I have visited these famous destinations and upon returning home I compared and realized that Madikwe doesn?t have to stand back for any of these names. This place is just as wonderful as any other on the continent and the wildlife is just as beautiful as any other place in Africa, if not better. Madikwe can be proud and I am proud to be in Madikwe and being able to call this wonderful paradise my home.