
Lion Cubs Playing

The Dipello female with her two cubs.

After a quick cup of tea on the deck one morning, we headed east in the direction of the bellowing. Just as we arrived at Tshukudu Dam, two female lions with two cubs arrived for a drink and soon after they arrived, headed off into the dense vegetation.

<%lightbox2(27/dipello_and_cubs/dpp_0015.jpg|dipello and cubs|photo group 1)%><%lightbox2(27/dipello_and_cubs/dpp_0017.jpg|lion cub|photo group 1)%>
<%lightbox2(27/dipello_and_cubs/dpp_0016.jpg|cubs playing|photo group 1)%><%lightbox2(27/dipello_and_cubs/dpp_0018.jpg|cub running|photo group 1)%>