My apologies for being a bit scares lately
Hey All MadikweHills Blog family, sorry that there wasn?t a weekly update blog for the last couple of weeks. I sincerely apologize for that, like we all know, I also need to go on leave. But now I am back and let us have a great chat and look at this week?s photos.
It is so beautiful to see that we have trained elephants in the reserve, which likes to drinking water all standing next to each another.
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Coming into the rainy season, you need to look so carefully, otherwise you could mistake them for termite mounds.\
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For the last week the Keitumetsi pride and the boys where at Tholo dam
Here we can see one of the cubs stalking his mother. One problem! If you like to surprise someone, you do not need to present yourself on the dam wall. You need to be invisible or hide behind something like a tree or a bush! Oh well, with time experience will come.
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What a sight! The youngest Lenyala, he is just so majestic, well, in my opinion.
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But wait; let us think it over mmm? If he is so majestic, what can we say about the oldest one?
This is the oldest Lenyala walking towards us. Just look at him, that dark main, the size? Just think about the presence he creates when appearing in a sighting or just walking and roaring to advertise his presence. I get goose bumps just thinking about it!!
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Warm Bush Regards to all