
Oh my Mamba!!!

My little encounter with the most dangerous snake in Africa…

Is was busy working at the workshop one morning doing some vehicle maintenance when a huge noise got my attention. A group of Glossy starlings and some House sparrows were going absolutely bonckers not too far from me. At first I thought it was just another little fight that broke out between them, but when the noise continued I decided to go and have a look what was going on. The gathering was in a dead Sickle bush tree and I wen’t over too have a closer look. I walked around the tree once too see what it could be because they were so upset that they totally ignored my presence. Then I saw it and my blood instantly stopped flowing and my body froze like a statue…

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Black Mamba!!! not 3 feet from my face looking me straight in the eyes. His gray body perfectly camouflaging him in the dead branches of the tree.Not being able to move from the unexpected fright helped me allot. It enabled me to try and make a plan to get out of this close encounter without ending up six feet under. The whole time in the back of my mind I knew the aggressive yet shy nature of this snake and the fact that he did not flee upon my approach worried me. He is standing his ground and I must make my moves carefully or suffer the most venomous bite in Africa. Slowly I backed off stopping every time the snake made a move. Eventually I was a comfortable distance away and the snake relaxed a bit. That made me very happy. Eventually I got to a distance that was safe enough and I could feel my legs trembling and my blood defrosting. What a rush, but hopefully not one to be repeated again. But then it was time to get a photo or two. You don’t see this snake every day.

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