
Recent Wildlife Sightings

As the seasons begin to change in September in Madikwe Game Reserve, the landscape remains dry and wildlife sightings have been nothing short of spectacular. From powerful predators to playful youngsters, the magic of Madikwe unfolds daily.

Here’s a glimpse of some of the unforgettable moments we’ve witnessed over the past few months.

It’s hard to put into words the feeling of being in the presence of a lion, let alone two. The excitement in the vehicle is palpable when our guide, Kaizer, asks, “Is everyone ready?” Cameras are poised, binoculars lifted, and awe sets in as we witness these magnificent males showcasing their bond. These are the moments we live for on safari.

What would you do—take a photo, shoot a video, or simply bask in the moment?

Mischievous as ever, these young baboons were up to their usual antics, roughhousing in the trees. Watching them swing effortlessly from branch to branch, their agility reminds us of skilled gymnasts. Baboons never fail to entertain, especially when their playful energy fills the trees around us.

A rare and exciting sight! For those lucky enough to spot an aardvark, it’s an experience that stays with you. This prehistoric-looking creature spends its nights on a mission, digging for ants and termites. Seeing this nocturnal marvel in action is a true safari adventure, especially when you witness it up close in its natural element.

A tank of an animal, often referred to as “Black Death,” the buffalo commands both respect and curiosity. As one of Africa’s Big Five, buffaloes have a fearsome reputation, yet their inquisitive nature leaves us in awe. To be in the presence of such a powerhouse, observing its movements and behavior, is an experience like no other.

A cheetah strolls gracefully by, while a giraffe observes from the background. Our eyes are immediately drawn to the cheetah, but the towering giraffe behind them offers a new perspective. From its height, the giraffe sees the world differently, reminding us how perspective changes everything. It’s a scene that leaves us pondering the diverse ways in which animals interact with their environment.

A gentle moment shared among giants. Watching elephants interact, especially the younger ones learning from their elders, is truly captivating. The bonds they form are strong, passed down through generations, ensuring their survival and success. As we observe this little one, already sporting tiny tusks, we’re reminded of the wisdom that these creatures will one day inherit.

Two giraffe bulls engaged in a seemingly calm interaction—but is it really? What we’re witnessing is “necking,” a sparring ritual where they swing their long necks with impressive force. The resounding thuds are a sure sign that this is more than a gentle tussle. This fascinating behavior is a way for males to compete, often leading to more intense confrontations if the sparring continues.

A dream come true—walking in the bush alongside some of Africa’s most iconic creatures. There’s something deeply grounding about walking through the wild, reconnecting with the natural world.

Guided by Benson, who has spent 15 years walking these lands, this experience offers a profound sense of belonging to the earth. His knowledge and respect for the environment create life-changing moments for everyone fortunate enough to walk with him.

Nature’s opportunists at work. A female cheetah brought down an impala, only to be chased off by a pack of hyenas. While the hyenas were distracted, seven jackals swooped in to grab whatever scraps they could before the hyenas returned to claim their prize. In the bush, it’s often the opportunists who thrive, making the most of every moment to survive.

Life in its purest form! As the rainy season approaches, we look back on the lively little wildebeest calves that filled the plains with their playful energy. Now, as they go through the challenges of the drier months, their journey of resilience begins. Watching them grow into strong members of the herd, ready to welcome next year’s new generation, reminds us of the beauty and continuity of life in the bush.

With the rainy season just around the corner, Madikwe Game Reserve is set to become even more vibrant, and we can’t wait to see what the new season brings. Each sighting tells a story—of survival, growth, and the interconnectedness of life in the wild. Whether it’s a rare glimpse of an aardvark or the playful antics of baby baboons, every moment in the bush is filled with wonder.

If you dream of witnessing these magical encounters firsthand, now is the perfect time to plan your next safari at Madikwe Hills.

Let the adventure begin!


All images by @everseensa on Instagram