This is part of thisweek?s photos and a special story.
It was a good week for lions.
We started of yet again with an Elephant photo!I get a lot of guests asking me what or who is making these holes next to the road. Now we can see who is responsible for that. I love the mud flying to the back!
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We stumbled across the latest honeymoon couple in the park.
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Tholo dam is the only water source in the North Western side of the reserve. It must be a real dilemma for the other animals to just have a drink of water, after a hot, I mean HOTday.What a letdown if you walk around the bush and there is 15 lions just lying around between you and the water.
So, do I go or do I just peek over the dam wall to see if the family is still there?
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It is time for the big boys to move to another spot.
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And it starts the domino effect; the first little one got up, the second one and so did the rest of the cubs.
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(It is time to get your hanky or tissues out for this story.)There is a specialstoryin this lion family. Just like in our lives there is one that always stands out.
This is the story of a little 10 month old female cub.
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This little female in this particular pride, has taken a specialspot in my heart. Over the last 10 months of her life, she got thrown in to the deep side from the start. She was born with a short left legand then, on top of it all, I heard on the age of 4 monthold herself and the rest of the pride got mange*.
All the guides thought that she will be the first one to die.
But, sheshowed us again that she is a survivor and that she will never give up.It is now 6 months later and it tugs on yourheart to see her walk, but I have to say to you: If you see her playing with the other cubs you would not know that she has a disability.
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Bush gerards
Photos taken by Dwayne de Lange