Wild Dogs almost killing a Leopard
I will probably never see anything this amazing in my life again. This was by far THE BEST sighting I have ever had.
This morning we decided to get up earlier and follow up on a tip that the Wild Dogs might be heading to the south eastern corner of the reserve.
We got into the area and started looking for them, with no idea of what will be unfolding in the next couple of minutes.
It all started off so calm and peaceful with the Wild Dogs and the puppies feeding of what looked like a day old Kudu kill.
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Then all of the sudden the Dogs just got up an run. We tried to stay with them and we found them all standing under a Camel Thorn Tree. When we moved closer a female Leopard jumped out and made a run for it. The Dogs cought her and was biting and pulling on whatever piece off Leopard they could get hold off. My hart sank into my stomach.
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She eventually managed too escape and run up a bigger tree. The Wild Dogs then left her and went back to the three where they found her. We went too have a look at what they were doing just too discover that the Leopard killed a Wild Dog pup doring the night and was feeding on it. Now we knew that the Wild Dogs had the right to try and take revenge. Ther are now four pups left in this group off doggs.
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